Welcome everyone.
The last EP post ended up this way:
As it turned out, I decided afterwards on some additional changes—and since a special favorite date (11/11) was just around the corner, I decided that was the most appropriate day to make a “big announcement.”
Which of course is not very big in the great scheme of things! It’s noteworthy in my world, though, and it will affect readers of EP.
I planned to go into a lot of detail about my reasoning, the timing, and so forth—but in the interest of actually getting this post out today, I’ll just give the succinct version first, and then follow up with a little context.
The New Plan
First: EP is not going away. In fact it should be in your Inbox more often.
I hope to send it out pretty regularly on Thursday evenings. That’s in the spirit of Jason Lotterhand’s much loved class/book Thursday Night Tarot.
I’ll be including brief notes on Tarot events, other newsletters, interesting decks—the sort of thing that often appears as part of an EP post. But there won’t be any in-depth essays or long stories about synchronicity, et cetera. Because:
Second: I’m moving my research and conceptual writing to another Substack: Tarot | In Four Dimensions.
It will include . . .
My two new books
My research on Tarot and AI
My 4D Tarot course
An assortment of surprises . . .
Basically, that encompasses all the new Tarot work I’ve already completed, or want to create/continue. And instead of publishing it piecemeal, I’ve decided to put it all in one place and offer it to those who want to support my work. Therefore:
Third: EP will remain free, but 4D will be for paid subscribers only.
The kindly folk who are paid subscribers here on EP will automatically become complimentary subscribers on 4D as well. And I hope others will want to join the 4D audience.
Next . . .
On Thursday, 11.14.2024, 4D will be open for new subscribers. In the meantime—here are a very few details.
The two books will be offered in serial format.
One is a significantly revised, expanded, and updated version of my original work on Tarot history.
The other is a completely new work that combines an exploration of the inner structures of the Tarot deck with a card-by-card commentary. Here’s a glimpse:
The 4D course explains in detail the approach to Tarot divination that I developed over years of reading. There are step-by-step lessons and suggested exercises, designed for practitioners at all levels of experience who are looking for alternative perspectives on Tarot practice. I’ll share a lightly detailed outline of the course on Thursday.
“Surprises” include a pop-up store (where I’ll be selling my personal collection of Tarot decks and books), as well as occasional audio posts, excerpts from my planned Tarot cookbook, and an assortment of unexpected essays.
A Little Context
I decided on this change of strategy after synchronicity resurfaced a note I apparently wrote to myself a couple of years ago:
On re-reading the note, I realized this mission, or vision, or whatever it is has shaped my work with/about Tarot all along. But . . . relatively few people are looking for that perspective in a Substack newsletter. Really, pretty few.
There are some, though, and I’d like to go on writing for them. Both at a casual level, as I envision the new EP, and at a deeper level, as I imagine the new 4D.
From my viewpoint, the realm of experiential and/or interpretive and/or projective and/or interactive and/or reflective Tarot is well and truly covered online today. More than a few people are writing about Tarot along those lines, and some of them are not only excellent writers but also original thinkers, with much to offer a variety of audiences. I value their work, and often recommend it.
Since I have nothing to add in those categories, I’m trying to (re)define my own little precinct more clearly . . .
And there you are.
See you Thursday—and in the meantime, here’s some suggested reading:
From meg jones wall at devils & fools:
Thanks so much for being here. C