Needless to say, I think this is one of the best dates ever.
Although 11/11/1111 would be at the top of the list, we don’t really know what happened then. And we don’t know what might happen on 11/11/2222—so for now, we might as well focus on today, and (of course) 11/22/22.
I didn’t want to miss publishing something on this numerically resonant day, so I decided to share a bit about how I plan to use the rest of this year’s Tarot energy. And though I’m not sure how the following plans will play out, I’m committed to these general ideas.
First, I’m going to publish The Tarot: History, Mystery, and Lore: 2022 Edition.
The original HML was never published as an ebook, nor was my second book, The Tarot: Methods, Mastery and More. So a couple of years ago, I set out to create a digital version of HML.
But. Once I started interacting with the text, I realized it was in need of some fairly substantial updates and revisions. (More about that process . . . )
Since then I’ve created new versions of the first part, “History,” along with some chapters from the second part, “Mystery.” And over the course of writing Exploration Project, I’ve discovered new material that will (to some extent) replace the “Lore” portion of HML.
Although some of the revised versions have been published here (and on Medium), they are scattered around, and easy to overlook. Therefore, I’m putting it all together, with some additional material, in an ebook that will follow the original structure of HML. And I’ve set a goal to have it ready in time to make a great stocking stuffer.
I’ll let you know when HML 2022 is available!
Second, I’m going to shift the EP newsletter to a magazine format.
So I’ll be publishing material written by other people, drawn from a variety of sources. This will allow me to bring in other voices, and highlight material you might not see otherwise.
I plan to experiment with this approach for the rest of the year, then reassess the future of EP in 2023. Look for a prototype “issue” next week.
Third, I want to preserve as many items as possible from my “Tarot Time Capsule.” For newcomers to EP, that’s a reference to the (many!) boxes of Tarot material I saved from the 1980s and 1990s, when the study of Tarot enjoyed tremendous creative energy. I’ve published a few of those items already (check them out), but I want to create a more complete digital archive. Not sure yet how to fund the time needed to reach that goal, but we’ll see.
In a similar vein—I also want to find new homes for most of the Tarot books I’ve gathered over the years, as well as some of the decks.
These initiatives will take off with the new year, and here again, I’ll keep you posted.
That’s a quick preview. Over the weekend, I’ll share more details, along with a couple of thoughts on Tarot practice.
Thanks for reading! C
Wow! That’s quite a ‘to do’ list. Good luck with this Cynthia!