I’m departing from the essay format for this post, and returning to the “crazy quilt” model that came along several times in the past. For example:
Today’s version was prompted by a couple of things coming together. One—I’ve been reflecting on EP posts from the past, and two—I came across an interesting structure for revisiting them.
I wrote in a recent Notebook Page about a documentary series called Five Levels, in which an expert on some topic (such as quantum physics!) explains the topic to five different people:
A small child
A high-school student
A college undergraduate
A graduate student, and
A professional colleague
Of course I thought about how one might explain or discuss Tarot at each of those levels. And here’s what I came up with:
Small child - interesting pictures
Teenager - creative exploration
Undergrad - literature and culture
Grad student - history and psychology
Colleague - divination
Looking over that top-of-mind breakout, I realized it’s also a high-level look at the topic categories of EP posts.
Presto! Match made.
I don’t want to call these “favorites”—but I’ve chosen two posts that seem especially apt for each of the Five Levels. Some are as they were originally published, some have been revised a bit.
(And by the way, if Gmail cuts off this email, just click on “View entire message.”)
Interesting Pictures
Creative exploration
Literature and culture
History and psychology
As always . . . thanks for reading. Or re-reading! C