Thanks to a generous tweet by astrologer Jessica Adams, we have several new subscribers! So although I had planned to delve into some dark territory for today’s Note, I’m going to delay that post until Wednesday, and spend this one on a sort of “welcome kit.”
Whether you’ve already been opening EP email for a while now, or have just arrived, these links will provide a slightly organized view of themes/topics that recur in various newsletters and stories.
First: Ten Doors to Tarot offers an introduction to my general approach, and it’s often referenced in other posts. There’s also an overview of Tarot basics, if you are new to the subject, or would like a concise refresher.
Second: I’ve been revising and updating (in some cases, completely rewriting) the chapters from Part One of my book Tarot: History, Mystery, and Lore. They cover the history of Tarot from 1400 to 2000, and this list makes it easy to read the sections in order—or choose the ones you’d like to check out.
Third: Here’s a list of posts on Tarot in literature, media, and the visual arts.
Fourth: Shifting gears, here are three interconnected posts on divination:
Fifth: Some EP newsletters and stories highlight difficult issues. Here are a few examples:
And finally: Here’s more about my Tarot Surveys project—and I would love for everyone to participate!
That’s a short tour. But there’s much more content on the EP site—from reflections on Tarot and the Voynich Manuscript to unusual decks and unexpected stories. So scroll through the archives when you have time.
As always, thanks for reading. Tomorrow, the discussion of “extreme Tarot” continues.
Warmest regards, Cynthia