I’ve been weighing some ideas about how the Exploration Project might unfold over the rest of 2021—but nothing I’ve considered so far seems quite right. So this is a very short note!
At the least, though, I will send out a weekly newsletter for the month of November. And I’m thinking one focus will be an assortment of Tarot/literature connections I’ve been saving up. I’m also planning a shallow dive into the meaning and implications of the term “psychic,” along with some notes on the topic of parapsychology.
In the meantime, I’m trying to work out some next steps toward sharing my Tarot methodology. I can imagine two versions—one for those new to Tarot, or at least not fixed in a particular approach, and the other for advanced practitioners who might be interested in a spot of experimentation.
But in either case (or both) I’m reluctant to package up a “course” based on my own ideas. Perhaps it will be an ebook, or a separate newsletter.
Reflecting on the question of methodology, I found these notes in my outline for a years-ago presentation titled “Tarot Contraire”:
Tarot is wholly self-referential and unknowable. We make up theories and methods, but that’s just for our own purposes.
As soon as you think you understand Tarot (or anything else)—do something radical.
Methods are fine, but mastering a method means only that the method has been grasped, not the Tarot. Or to borrow a well-worn piece of advice: “If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.”
Thanks for reading. Something more will be forthcoming this week. C