Welcome everyone—and a special thanks to those who already participated in Survey #1!
If you haven’t yet, I hope you will. It just takes a few minutes, and I think you’ll find it interesting.
I’ll share the link to Survey #2 below—but first I wanted to offer a little more background.
About the Surveys Project
Many years ago, I started thinking about this question:
Are we "users" of Tarot — or is it the other way around?
Personally, I believe that Tarot either adopts you or not.
Once adopted, you have a responsibility to listen to the cards, explain them to others as best you can, and never use them in any way that is manipulative or exploitative.
That kind of relationship is cooperative, personal, creative. By contrast . . . those who treat the Tarot as an ordinary object, or think they can control it, are likely to have an empty experience— at best.
But that’s just my opinion. And opinions about Tarot are a dime a gigabyte! So I began to wonder if there is any way to look at the relationship between Tarot and its users in a more objective way.
Which led me back to a previous effort along those lines. When I wrote my second book (Methods, Mastery, and More), I sent out questionnaires to about 200 people with an interest in Tarot.
That was in the 1990s, and it was was a lot of work. Printing, mailing, reading the answers, compiling responses by hand, tabulating, and following up. But the reward was some fascinating information about how people connect with Tarot.
I’ll share a little more about that original effort in next Sunday’s email.
For now—I’m delighted to say that information-gathering is MUCH easier in 2024! And as part of my quest to locate Tarot in relation to the wide world, I’ve whipped up five online surveys.
Here’s the schedule:
Survey #1 focused on how you originally became involved with Tarot. This week, the focus is on how Tarot fits into your life today.
I’ll offer some notes from the first two surveys in the Thursday evening EP. Til then—have an excellent week! C