A short orientation . . .
I’m happy to report there are several newcomers to the Exploration Project newsletter! Here are a few quick notes for their benefit:
I send the full newsletter on Tuesdays, and one or two other emails during the week if there are interesting things to share. Today I had some timely items that didn’t get in on Tuesday.
You can see the past month’s emails by clicking on the Exploration Newsletters tab (Tuesday emails), or the Exploration Notes tab (shorter emails).
The other three home-page tabs will take you to content that has been posted on the site, but not sent out as email.
History: Revised and updated chapters from Part One of my book
Mystery: Essays about the theory and practice of Tarot
Lore: Stories about Tarot creativity (books, decks, and cultural connections)
Please browse around, and comment if you have questions/corrections/suggestions!
Wrapping up the week . . .
If you haven’t had a chance to open this week’s Tuesday newsletter—I hope you will. It contains links to the new Exploration Project accounts on Twitter and Facebook, so please consider following if you’re active on either one.
Even more important, find out about:
Tarot scholar/creator Robert M. Place’s early career as a craft jeweler
The tenth anniversary of Sherryl E. Smith’s Tarot Heritage website
Also, see a new mini-episode in my continuing exploration of poet Sylvia Plath’s involvement with Tarot.
Now for a couple of items that didn’t make it in on Tuesday:
The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) has mounted an exhibition focusing on the artwork of Niki de Saint Phalle—and if by chance you can make it to NYC before September 6, there’s still time to see it! But in case not, here are some at-home viewing opportunities:
Images from the exhibition, along with a short film of the artist discussing her work
Even better . . . you can watch an hour-long discussion of Niki’s engagement with Tarot—featuring Rachel Pollack and Susan Alberth
The next item is only distantly related to Tarot, but I can’t resist including this unique tribute to “National Biscuit Day.”
Yes—those are real cookies (aka biscuits) decorated with real royal icing by Dr. Ella Hawkins, an expert on Shakespearean costume design.
Pretty much any layout of colorful rectangles reminds me of Tarot! But beyond that, I’m captivated by the creativity and imagination on display here—and in so many of the Tarot decks created over the last 500+ years.
Finally, a quick preview of one story coming up next week. And I’ll let the image speak for itself . . .
Thanks for reading—and have a great weekend. C