Hello all. It turns out that setting up a new podcast requires more time than I had—but I’m looking forward to sharing the first episode next week.
This actually works out well, though. I had divided the World Tarot Congress program into two parts, and this way I can publish both parts in the same week.
Time Capsule #1 included introductory information, plus all the Saturday lecture descriptions. Now we move on to Sunday.
Tarot 2000—Cynthia Giles
The approach of the year 2000 has great symbolic resonance for a number of different reasons—not least because, as a significant demarcation in the expanse of human history, if affords us an exceptional opportunity for larger reflections. So in this presentation, Cynthia will offer a summary of Tarot history, an overview of our present understanding of Tarot, and some speculations about the Tarot yet to come.
In looking at the past, she will trace two themes: the origins of the cards and their imagery (about which little can be definitively established), and the evolution of how we understand the Tarot (about which we know a great deal). Discussion will include the probable history of the exoteric Tarot, the invention of the esoteric Tarot, the re-visioning brought about by the Golden Dawn, the generative insights of Jung's archetypal psychology, and the new visions offered by Voyager, Motherpeace, and other Tarot innovations.
A consideration of the present will focus on the expanding applications of Tarot (in aspects of contemporary interest such as wellness, personal growth, and planetary renewal) and on the increasingly rich methodology of Tarot reading (brought about largely by the very people who will be speaking at the Conference).
Finally, the future: Tarot in cyberspace. Tarot symbolism translated into new forms, and the transition from Tarot as the secret province of The Magician to Tarot as a universal expression in The World. In a culminating summary, we'll look at how the trumps themselves suggest a pattern for understanding the evolution of the Tarot.
The Tarot and the Tree of Life: An Introduction—Lisa Roggow
Lisa will begin with an introduction to the basic design and symbolism of the Kabbalah, or Tree of Life. Here, she will talk about the structure of the Tree of Life, specifically the Sephiroth (or Spheres) which form the Tree, and the Paths connecting them. It is important to gain a foothold in the language used to define the Tree, in order to follow the remaining part of this lecture. This beginning will allow us to move into a discussion of the most common Kabalistic correspondences used in the Western Magickal tradition as defined by the Golden Dawn. Specifically, Lisa will mention the importance of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Astrological symbols. From here she will invoke the tarot, spending considerable energy investigating its placement on the Tree of Life. We will be paying considerable attention to the major arcana, but will also be addressing the court cards and minor arcana. She will conclude the lecture by looking at one or two specific examples in more detail.
This will be achieved by investigating the Golden Dawn's technique of pathworking (or “climbing” the Tree of Life) via ritualized, experiential knowledge of the major arcana, card by card.
Archetypes as Role Models: Healing Dysfunctional Behavior with Women Based Tarot Decks—Frances Camberis, M.A.
Frances will share her Shamanic Approach to Healing by using the Motherpeace Tarot deck in this experiential class open to both men and women. You will explore, in the manner which she developed for her own personal healing, the Healing Power of Archetypes. You will select one card and Journey with it to receive an image, or gift, from it. This gift, or image, will reflect the question which you have asked the card. You will then create a visual interpretation of this. The final step will be a Journey into this gift or image, to receive a greater understanding of the healing and the wisdom which is being offered to you by the Archetype of the Card.
The Tarot Tree: A New Internal Pattern of the 22 Cards of the Major Arcana—Alexandra Genetti
In this lecture Alexandra will describe a new natural pattern that she uncovered while working on the Wheel of Change cards. This amazing layout pattern helps the student of Tarot by immediately clarifying the archetypes of the cards and putting them into relation with each other. The Tarot Tree makes use of the natural relationship of human beings with the earth from which we have arisen, and symbolically relates the cards to seasonal progressions and to the individual experience of duality and integration. The pattern works with any Tarot deck and will change your relationship to the 22 cards of the Major Arcana
The Game of Tarot—Brian Williams
Recently there has been a renewed interest in a playful approach to the Tarot, even in playing light-hearted games with the ancient pack. These imaginative approaches, however, are mostly new. Few people—including dedicated Tarotphiles—realize that there are enjoyable, long-established Tarot games. In fact, a bridge-like trick-taking game has been played with the cards for centuries, especially in southern Europe. In this interactive talk we’ll learn something of the playing-card tradition of the Tarot, and then enjoy a hand or two of Il Giuoco del Tarocchi—the Game of Tarot.
Tarot—The "DNA" of the Qabalah—Lon Milo DuQuette
The Hebrew Qabalah is the foundation upon which the Western Hermetic arts are constructed. These arts include Tarot. Astrology. Numerology. Alchemy, and various forms of Ceremonial Magick. Foremost among the mystical arts, the Tarot endures as a visual representation of Qabalistic fundamentals, and is the common denominator between the Hermetic arts. Tarot is the DNA of the Qabalah. Properly decoded it reveals not only the secrets of the Qabalah, but also the mysteries of all Qabalah based systems.
Using the Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, Lon will describe the angels and spirits . . . the magical and Qabalistic treasures that lay hidden in every deck of Tarot cards.
The Tarot Reader as “Midwife of the Soul”—Mary Greer
A midwife (whether male or female) attends an individual at their 'birthing time.* assisting in a process of opening, awakening and transformation. As the oldest of the 'helping professions,' midwives have often used these same skills for 'fortunetelling,' that is, telling the story of the soul’s destiny. The Tarot reader as midwife seeks to draw from the person what only they can bring forth, helping them to relax, be comfortable with themselves, and work harmoniously with natural forces. She or he promotes safety, strength, and dignity, while having the courage to connect with raw power. Serving as a mirror, she responds from the heart, rather than making decisions from the head, easing the individual through difficult transitions. She speaks the truth, yet reserves Judgment. The essence of Tarot midwifery is staying sensitive to the moment, being humble, and paying attention. In this workshop you will learn vital skills for assisting an individual in bringing to birth powerful new insights and creative potential.
22 Keys to Creating and Maintaining a Flourishing Tarot Practice—Thea Bloom
It Is possible to be able to do meaningful, spiritual work that you love and get paid for it. Come learn 22 key factors (one for every card In the major arcana) that can help you start up and maintain an abundant and fulfilling metaphysical practice.
Let the tarot itself help you take the Fool’s leap and succeed as a full or part time reader.
Topics will include: Transitioning from being an amateur reader to a professional reader, attracting your ideal client, setting your fee, letting go of what you think others think of your profession, making your work juicy and meaningful on a daily basis, prosperous thinking, tarot ethics, retaining clients, referrals, phone readings, striving for excellence at what you do, creating a magical and professional reading environment, working out of an office vs your home, guidelines for structuring a session, creating a supportive community for yourself, book and audio resources to help you down the road, advice on establishing healthy boundaries with your clients, and much more.
This class will be presented In a fun, irreverent, down-to-earth way by Thea Bloom who—to the surprise and delight of her once worried parents—really is making a good living as one of Chicago’s most respected readers.
Tarot: Myth or Reality?—Ed Buryn
In this discussion/lecture, Ed Buryn helps us to imaginatively define the nature of myth and reality, and explore how the Tarot can illuminate both. We will then consider ways of using this to enrich our lives through soulmaking and art. Ed will also take us on a tour of various mythic Tarot decks, including his own William Blake Tarot of the Crearive Imagination.
The Tarot and Initiation—Marcia Masino
"Initiation was instituted to impart the science of re-attainment of a wisdom we have lost and the revival of the Divine Life Essence, which is the basis of our being. To lift the individual soul to a new life basis from which it could proceed to work out its inherent powers along the true line of its destiny and evolution."—from Wilmhurst’s Meaning of Masonry.
What does spiritual initiation really entail and how does the Tarot depict the secrets on the path? How do we get in touch with, and remain connected to our Higher Self? What does this Hermetic art offer us in terms of Initiation Temples, invisible guides and inner plane adepts?
We all have an innate soul path and the Tarot, particularly A E Waite's version, reveals the three main paths based on Masonic, Rosicrucian, and Knight's Templar framework.
During this lecture Marcia will assist you to explore through guided visualization your individual path and its significance in your contemporary life.
Tarot and Interstellar Magic—Gary Ross
The stars in the sky and the symbols of Tarot are wedded to a common heritage of myth. The twins Castor and Pollux, for example, lend their names to the two brightest stars of Gemini, and also form a facet of Key VI, The Lovers. Or consider the bright star Spica and Key IX, The Hermit, which both express facets of the constellation Virgo. The connections between Tarot and astrology are well-established, but the links between the Tarot Keys and individual fixed stars have been virtually ignored.
Interstellar magic is a system of aligning consciousness with astral power sources In order to achieve expanded awareness of the cosmos and the self. The mythic structure of Tarot makes it an ideal vehicle for the interstellar magician. Tarot functions as a telescope lens that can turn distant stars into interior suns
In this workshop Gary will examine the basic principles of interstellar magic as they are presented in the archetypes of Tarot. Group discussion of Tarot Keys as illuminated by stellar forces will reveal the processes by which we determine the meaning and relevance of Tarot symbols in our own personal myths.
Alternative Major Arcanas—Rachel Pollack
The Major Arcana comes to us as a numbered sequence, beginning with 0, the Fool, and progressing through states to 21, the World. As well as a linear progression, the sequence produces a complex structure based on the Fool traveling through three levels of seven cards each. In each level there are specific stages and things to be learned, with the center card a test the person must overcome or assimilate in order to achieve the wisdom/benefits of that line. But if we shuffle the cards we get a completely different sequence. These alternative Major Arcanas each focus on different subjects, depending on the first card. We might call the official sequence a Fool Major Arcana, since it describes the Fool's journey to enlightenment. If we mix the cards and Justice comes out first, then we have a Justice Major Arcana. If the Lovers comes out first, then we have a Major Arcana dealing with the issue of Love on three levels of seven cards each.
Rachel will begin this lecture by examining the traditional structure of the numbered sequence. We will then go on to mix the cards and look at several alternative Major Arcanas, exploring how each one teaches us something new about the basic issues of life.
I’ll offer a few more thoughts on this event next week, along with notes on some of the presenters. In the meantime—thanks for reading! C