I have thought about the definition for the Hanged Man from your previous AI article. The definition was “pause.” I don’t think that fits the deeper historical context of the Tarot, but it comes close to “prudence” which was the missing of the four virtues. If we’re all strung up and upside down we might pause before trying to move anywhere. There hasn’t been a Tarot card for overwhelm other than maybe the ten of Wands… More traditional is “I am poured out like water,” which is not like a pause but really, are modern people ever “poured out like water?” So pause fits the modern landscape better, or maybe “hesitate."

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Your posts are something I read with a special interest. I bought a Tarot deck about 30 years ago because I had no idea what it was about and I was curious. Your first book on Tarot was the book that I found resonated with me strongly as I explored, and it has been the book that made the most sense to me in having Tarot in my life. Recently, with your Substack posts I discovered your connection to the University of Dallas, which is one of many connections/coincidences/synchronicities that are so prevalent in my life. My first husband had been a student at the University of Dallas who was studying art in Guadalajara when we met. Despite our strong spiritual connection (which remains to this day) we separated paths and I find myself with a farm in Giza, Egypt, that has healing capabilities. I'm still trying to understand my role here but it appears to be that of a caretaker of sorts, as it is being used by supporters of Gazan refugees here in the area to provide the refugees a safe place to begin to unwrap from the trauma that has enveloped them for the past few generations.

All of this sorts totally mad, but for better or for worse, you and your thoughts have some sort of deep connection that is very important to me even if it is utterly irrelevant for you. I find your musings about AI fascinating. I have had no interest in trying it out myself and I realise that is in fact quite frightening in a way. I felt the need to share this rather random note and to thank you for being a part of my life and learning process.

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I have shared your post with a group on FB called Worldwide Circle of Crones as a bit of an experiment that I may well wholeheartedly regret. A year or so ago I joined this group on a whim because I noticed that it was only 9 months old and that somehow it had accumulated about 15 thousand members, all women of over about 45. I asked the owner of the group what she was planning on doing with a huge number of old women, was she trying to find out what happened if she reached a critical mass of crones, so to speak. Oddly enough she was quite upset by my question. I was just joking. A month or so later she contacted me to say that she was having a very hard time dealing with the group and she asked me to take it on as "owner" of it. By that time I had gotten to know her better, so I realised that she really was kind of falling apart, and I suggested a number of other people to take it on, but it appeared that I was the only person out there. At that point there were 20 thousand women in the group.

The social scientist in me would not allow me to walk away from this, so I agreed to take it on and I promptly appealed to women in the group with experience in running a massive social media beast like this and I was blessed with a group of women who have taken on the nuts and bolts of management. The originator had been a bit of a control freak and refused to delegate the management to anyone. I am the opposite. We set it up to be a very free group but monitored quite closely for politeness. It is completely inclusive in terms of who is a woman who may join, by my decision because the debat became ridiculous. I don't tell anyone what to do or think but I do like tossing an interesting idea into the group every so often to see what people think about it. We now have 28.5 thousand members, mainly from North America but also from other parts of the world. I live in Giza and many of my friends who are in the Middle East have also joined. Response there has been interesting.

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So pleased to see your transmissions have resumed. I was just about to email you to check in.

I consider the term AI as a sprawling marketing rubric. And yes, I can imagine the sort of unorganized chaos that’s under the hood. As a writer/artist/free thinker I loathe it.

Curious to see where your ongoing inquiries will take you.

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